So, who else is feeling a bit stuffed from all the food, lounging on the couch in comfy pants, watching Netflix, and browsing Black Friday deals online? Hopefully, I’m not the only one because today is definitely a chill day. When it comes to Black Friday, I have a unique perspective. I generally skip it for myself because I don’t need more stuff, and I think of it as a day for people to buy things they don’t really need.
That’s where my minimalist mindset really comes into play. However, it’s a great opportunity to grab holiday gifts for others. Today, my focus is on stocking stuffers, and I’m not talking about the usual boring trinkets. I’ve never understood why stockings get filled with cheap toys and gum from discount stores—you might as well throw in some coal.
These stocking stuffers are actually cool, popular, and all on sale. It’s a win-win situation. Happy shopping, and stay tuned because every Friday I’ll be sharing mini gift guides. Don’t forget to bookmark the holiday shop for all your gifting needs!