If you know me, you know I’m all about metaphysical stuff. I’ve talked a bit about crystals and tarot, but today I want to dive deep into one of my all-time favorite stones for healing and protection: Shungite, also known as the ‘Miracle Stone’ of the 21st century.
I’m sharing Shungite with you because I genuinely believe it can amaze you and offer tremendous benefits. It’s not only a rare and powerful stone, but it’s also highly relevant in our tech-heavy world. Shungite purifies, grounds, and most importantly, it shields you from the harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) emitted by all your gadgets.
That’s why Shungite is a fixture in my life and home. I spend tons of time on electronic devices, so I’ll take all the EMF protection I can get from this incredible stone.
Now, if you’re not sure what EMF is or why you need protection from it, let me break it down for you.
**What is Shungite, and Where Did it Come From?**
A little history lesson that’s actually super interesting: Shungite is around 2 billion years old, making it one of the oldest stones around, and it’s only found in a remote part of Russia. It wasn’t until the 1600s that Shungite became known, thanks to Peter the Great, who discovered its power and turned the springs into natural spas.
Shungite gained major attention in 1996 when it won a Nobel Prize for its antioxidant prowess.
I won’t dive into the molecular science behind Shungite, as that’s not my strength, but in simple terms, it works thanks to its similarity to carbon, known for detoxifying and purifying water. This gives Shungite its amazing effects.
**The Metaphysical and Healing Properties of Shungite**
Here’s some fascinating stuff about Shungite:
– It aligns with your root chakra at the base of your spine, supporting your entire being.
– This balancing stone harmonizes the left and right sides of your body, helping you feel rejuvenated.
– Its grounding qualities help reduce stress and anxiety, boost focus, and inspire creativity.
– Shungite cleanses and purifies thanks to its carbon content.
– With Nobel Prize-winning antioxidants, it boosts your immune system.
– It absorbs negative energy, preventing it from affecting your positive vibe.
– Shungite aids in better sleep, emotional balance, and mind-body-soul detoxification.
– Most importantly, Shungite offers incredible protection by creating an energetic shield against negative frequencies, including EMFs from electronics.
After researching, I stocked up on Shungite. I have little Shungite pyramids all over my house and Shungite stickers on our phones. I even hand them out to guests.
**How to Use Shungite**
– Place a Shungite pyramid near your electronics for EMF protection, and put Shungite stickers on your phone.
– Wear Shungite jewelry for stylish protection.
– If you’re feeling out of sorts, lie down and place Shungite on the base of your spine, your root chakra.
– For injuries, apply Shungite directly to the affected area to promote healing.
– If meditation isn’t easy for you, hold Shungite stones in your hands to enhance focus.
**Shungite Water**
We’ve talked about Shungite’s purifying power, but Shungite water deserves its own spotlight. When Shungite won the Nobel Prize, it was discovered to contain powerful antioxidants called Fullerenes. These can purify and alkalize water, absorbing pollutants and heavy metals.
We all drink a lot of water, and I believe in the importance of clean, quality water—enter Shungite. Many people say it makes the water taste the freshest they’ve ever had.
Drink Shungite water daily, more when you’re sick, and after workouts to prevent sore muscles. The antioxidants are more potent than you’d think.
You can make Shungite water using elite Shungite chips for filtration. Soak the stones, add them to water, and enjoy. Or, you can get a fancy water bottle that’s on my holiday wish list.
Shungite water is also great for skin care, helping clear issues, healing acne, and more. You can even bathe in it to relax sore muscles or wash your hair to prevent hair loss.
So there you go, Shungite is a true miracle stone. If you’re curious about some other benefits, check out chlorophyll water and learn more about crystals. Shungite is definitely worth considering.